
Watch me Shrink Mira como Adelgazo

Follow my journey to healthy life

Sigeme en mi viaje a una vida saludable


Watch me Shrink   Day 1


This is the start of a journey often started and rarely finished with the difference that this time  I have the purpose and firm conviction i will reached the goal.

I am addicted to (comfort food) junk and sweets so it is not surprising the way i look, this addiction is caused by problems of depression and anxiety that I am already trying to control, but even so I will find be very difficult to be able to resist these pleasures which  add  more depression once ingested.

This will be a trip with a heavy work not only physical but mental as everything is linked.  Many times I wonder  if I could quit smoking (2 packs per day) over night literally how i can not follow an exercise plan and diet in such a way, i assumed that quitting smoking is very difficult...

Although I'm not in a state of morbid obesity, over the years my weight affects my life, years which I am not going to the pool or beach, I am not going shopping (clothing) which is nightmare to find size of what that I like, i don't allwoud to be hugged, or touch my abdomen, and I have paranoia that everyone looks at how fat I am... well those who are in this same process will know what I am talking about.

Also my health is deteriorating, my metabolism is becoming slower and problems of diabetes and heart diseases  are starting to knock my door, so it's time to get serious with all this, is time to fight depressions and anxieties that caused me not nothing but pain and discomfort, it is time to be happy with myself remove all that anger on hold...

Age: 37
Height:  5'3
Weight:180,78 lb   219,7 pounds


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